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Short web addresses

On this page

A list of all short web addresses (short URLs) in use on this website.

Ask the Web Manager for a short web address for patient information, corporate documents or other sharing purposes.

About short web addresses

A short web address automatically redirects to a page at a longer address. They're easier for a user who may need to type an address into their web browser, rather than using a link which is clicked or tapped. They indicate the destination information in a concise way. Short web addresses can be used:

  • on printed material like leaflets and posters
  • from online sources like social media posts or email signatures
  • for easier reading and linking in corporate documents or patient information in pdf format
  • alongside a QR code image

Old web addresses

Web addresses ending .aspx are legacy (old) addresses from our previous public website, which may still be in use in document templates within NHS Highland, or online sources. They may forward to a relevant page for now, but will expire at some point. They should be updated to a short web address on any documents to be printed in future, and email signatures.

List of all short web addresses

Follow the short address link to see the page it leads to.

Last updated: 18 March 2025

Next review date: 7 April 2025