Orthopaedic joint replacements
On this page
Joint replacement surgery and prehabilitation.
Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the function of a joint.
It is never too early to prepare for your operation once you have been listed for a hip or knee replacement. This is called prehabilitation (prehab) - a form of healthcare intervention that takes place prior to an operation.
Read more about waiting well for joint replacement surgery.
Arthroplasty booklet
At your pre-operative assessment you will receive this arthroplasty booklet, an important tool to help make your recovery easier. It will make you aware of what to expect before and after your operation.
It's essential to read this prior to your operation, and to start the exercises found in the booklet at the earliest opportunity.

Arthroplasty prehab (video)
What to expect when you receive your joint replacement:
- your considerations pre-operation
- your experience in hospital
- your discharge planning
- your post-joint replacement journey
Anaesthetic information
See patient information about spinal anaesthetic for hip and knee replacements (pdf, March 2024).
National Treatment Centre - Highland
You may have your joint replacement operation at the National Treatment Centre - Highland (NTC-H). In some cases you may be coming from a health board other than NHS Highland, in which case some of these links and courses may not be applicable.
If you have any general enquiries related to your admission to the NTC-H, please use the contact details here.
General orthopaedic and National Treatment Centre - Highland contacts.
Orthopaedic conditions
Symptoms, self help and surgery for pain in shoulder, hand, wrist, hip and knee.
Orthopaedic fractures
Hip fracture, and fracture clinics.
Orthopaedic joint replacements
Joint replacement surgery and prehabilitation.
Waiting well for a joint replacement operation
Taking ownership of your health and wellbeing while waiting for a joint replacement operation can improve recovery.