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Quality Improvement (QI)

Promoting safe, quality and compassionate care. Learning opportunities from the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHP) Quality Improvement team.

Quality Improvement (QI) is a systematic approach that uses spec​ific techniques to solve a problem, with the aim of bringing about a measurable improvement.

We would love to hear from you - if you have any ideas, feedback, queries or resources you would like to share, please contact us:

January 2025: the application for the Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship is now open.

NHS Highland Quality Improvement Logo

About Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement (QI) can be used to improve the experiences and outcomes for patients, carers and service users, improve our working environment and to deliver "greener" services.​ For example it can be used to:

  • reduce the number of inpatient falls
  • streamline patient booking services
  • tackle variation between sites in the way services are delivered
  • increase staff satisfaction
  • ​​reduce the amount of waste generated​

At NHS Highland we are developing a culture of continuous improvement and learning. It will not be easy to build this culture, but by empowering staff to turn challenges into opportunities we can continuously improve patient outcomes and experiences and staff satisfaction at work.

It is our aim to develop a sustainable QI learning framework in NHS Highland to give everyone, at every level, the skills they need to engage in change. Increasing knowledge of the existing QI learning opportunities and creating a system for sharing QI tools and resources is just the start of our journey to develop a QI culture in NHSH that everyone can be, and feels proud to be, a part of.

Last updated: 28 January 2025

Next review date: 6 April 2026