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Replacement of Belford Hospital

The Lochaber Health and Social Care Redesign Project aims to modernise health and social care services across Lochaber and includes the replacement of Belford Hospital with a new rural general hospital built to meet the demands of providing healthcare in the 21st century.

Following the Scottish Government budget announcement in December 2023, all NHS boards were advised to stop any project development spend. Accordingly, the Belford Replacement project was taken to the end of RIBA Stage 2 Concept Design, at which point the contract was paused and the delivery team reallocated to other projects.

Following the Scottish Government Budget announcement on the 4th of December 2024, funding has now been allocated to restart the project and bring it to Full Business Case (RIBA Stage 4). 

Our Q&A below has more information on this. If you have a question we haven’t answered please email us and we will respond.

The redesign of services, both those based in the hospital and community services, will continue and we very much hope that you will work with us to shape services for the future.

On this page you’ll find the latest updates, project information and documents, and details of how we are engaging with local communities and stakeholders.

Lochaber Community Stakeholder Group

Read the Lochaber Community Stakeholder Group - February 2025 update (pdf).

Terms of reference

Role and remit

  • To act as a forum for two-way communication between the local community and NHS Highland, in respect of the project.
  • To advise of local developments that may impact the project.
  • Provide advice on appropriate level of communications and engagement to ensure that service users, carers, community and other stakeholders are communicated with, engaged and involved in the process.
  • To nominate members to represent the community in other groups as required.


  • Meetings will be held every month and planned in blocks of six months.
  • A note will be issued after each meeting within two weeks.
  • Actions agreed will be specified setting out owners and timescales.
  • Any agenda items should be sent to the chair for consideration.
  • Agenda to be sent out at least one week in advance, including supporting papers wherever possible to save meeting time and aid efficient working.

Lochaber Community Stakeholder Group - updates (1)

Lochaber Community Stakeholder Group - meeting minutes (33)

NHS Highland news articles

Moss Park Care Home - joint statement from Highland Council and NHS Highland


NHS Highland and Highland Council are delighted to announce that we are progressing work to secure a purchase of the Moss Park Care Home and a transfer of service provision to NHS Highland in 2025.

Lochaber redesign update


Following a meeting with community representatives on 7 March, NHS Highland have underlined the Board’s commitment to the redesign of health and social care services in Lochaber.

Lochaber redesign work will continue


The Scottish Government announced last month that funding for all NHS construction projects was to be paused for at least two years.

Ground investigations begin at proposed site for new hospital


NHS Highland is pleased to confirm that Balfour Beatty has started ground investigations on the proposed site for the new hospital in Lochaber.

Morvern and Acharacle Medical Practices to merge


The Morvern and Acharacle Medical Practices have taken the first steps required to facilitate a GP practice merge, with completion of the merger taking place later this year in October.

Public invited to Lochaber stakeholder event


Local communities across Lochaber are invited to attend a drop-in stakeholder event for updates on the redesign of health and social care in the area.

NHS Highland appoints Balfour Beatty to lead key redesign projects


NHS Highland is pleased to confirm that Balfour Beatty Plc has been appointed as the Principal Supply Chain Partner for the Lochaber and Caithness General Hospital redesign projects.

Significant progress in plans for new Belford Hospital


Plans to build a new hospital in Fort William are expected to take a significant step forward next month, with the appointment of a Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP) to carry out the design and construction work.

Stakeholder group given reassurances on planned services at new Fort William hospital


The new Belford Rural General Hospital in Fort William will have a fuller range of services than the current facility, a monthly meeting of the Lochaber Health and Social Care Redesign Stakeholders’ Group has been told.

Lochaber initial agreement approved by Scottish Government


The approval by the Scottish Government’s Capital Investment Group (CIG) of the initial agreement for the redesign of services in Lochaber sets out the earliest possible start date of April 2026 for construction on the new site in Fort William.

Lochaber Steering Group update


The latest meeting of the Lochaber Steering Group was held in May.

Update from recent Lochaber Steering Group meeting


NHS Highland has confirmed that work on the Initial Agreement for the replacement Belford Hospital in Lochaber is underway.

Positive community engagement in Lochaber


NHS Highland has made a commitment to work closely with local communities in Lochaber to refresh the redesign of services in the area.

New NHS Chair visits Belford Hospital and Invernevis House


NHS Highland’s new Interim Chair, Professor Boyd Robertson, took the opportunity to meet as many staff as possible during visits to Belford Hospital and Invernevis House Care Home last week.

Belford A&E team praised for excellent performance over festive period


Staff at the Accident and Emergency department at the Belford Hospital in Fort William have once again met and exceeded the Scottish Government’s waiting time targets over the festive period.

Other project updates

Nevis Radio interviews

Listen to an interview from 11 August 2023, with Lochaber District Manager Karen-Anne Wilson about redesign of community health services.

Listen to a Community Connections interview from 9 June 2023, with NHS Highland senior project manager Heather Cameron, about the process and timescale for the new hospital project:

Community update newsletters

External publications

Important: Further information

For queries about documents relating to service redesign that are not published here:

contact the District Manager for the area

Last updated: 18 March 2025