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Visitors to the Highlands

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If you are planning a visit to the NHS Highland area, remember to bring enough medication and any medical items or devices which will be needed for the duration of your stay.

Pharmacies and GPs

If you have run out of your regular medicines and are a patient registered with a GP in Scotland, a Community Pharmacy can provide an urgent supply. Search or browse our list of pharmacies.

If you are on holiday, working in the area, or planning a visit to the Highlands and require ongoing treatment and care, you can register as a temporary resident with any GP practice. To find a general practitioner near your holiday destination or temporary work base, search or browse our list of GP practices.

We advise you to contact a practice first, so you can make sure your needs can be met before you travel. Highland practices are generally open Monday to Friday 0800 to 1800. Always call ahead as hours may vary in some locations. Outwith these times, contact NHS 24 on 111.

Overseas visitors to the Highlands

International visitors to the Highlands (or their insurance companies) can use this contact for more information about costs associated with medical treatment required while on holiday:


Important: Healthcare information for overseas visitors, at NHS inform

NHS Inform Logo

You may need to pay for some services if you are not a UK resident.

See information on healthcare for overseas visitors at NHS inform
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Last updated: 18 March 2025

Next review date: 16 March 2026