Travel and transport
Help with transport planning and costs of travel within the NHS Highland area.
Travel and transport
For particular hospital travel arrangements - location, directions and parking - see information for each hospital.
Travel and transport
Help with transport planning and costs of travel within the NHS Highland area.
Active travel
Active travel to NHS Highland sites - drive less, move more, feel good.
Financial assistance with patient travel
Arrange travel to and from hospital with your local Patient Travel department.
Public transport
Public transport providers, timetables and journey planners; community transport providers.
Scottish Ambulance Patient Transport Service
If you are medically unfit to travel, you should contact the Scottish Ambulance Patient Transport Service.
Travel to the National Treatment Centre - Highland
Transport and directions to the National Treatment Centre - Highland, in Inverness, and parking.
Travel to Raigmore Hospital
Transport and directions to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, and parking.
Travel vaccines
You can get vaccinations for international travel at local community pharmacies.
Related services and accessibility
British Sign Language (BSL)
Pages where British Sign Language (BSL) information is published on this website and elsewhere.
Communication and information accessibility
We want to ensure that people can access our services effectively and efficiently.
Highland Hospital Radio
Since its creation in 1970 as Inverness Hospital Radio, the radio service has operated as a broadcasting service to h...
It's OK to Ask
When you understand what’s going on with your health, you can make better decisions around your care and treatment.
NHS Highland Highlights podcast
Highlights delves into a variety of health and social care topics, featuring insightful conversations with our dedica...
Patient Hub
We are transforming our outpatient programme in order to improve referrals and give patients greater control of their...
Patient Wi-Fi
Free patient Wi-Fi is available at several hospitals in Highland.
Spiritual care
Spiritual care is given in a one-to-one relationship, and makes no assumptions about personal convictions or religiou...
Visitors to the Highlands
If you are planning a visit to the NHS Highland area, remember to bring enough medication and any medical items or de...
Your health rights
It’s your right to make choices and decisions about your treatment, to be treated confidentially and to see your heal...