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Raigmore Hospital (Inverness)

General Hospital

Raigmore Hospital is the District General Hospital serving the population of the Highlands.

This hospital has an accident and emergency department.

Raigmore Hospital and wards entrance

Contact details

Main switchboard

Important: Our hospitals are very busy today

Waiting times in A&E are much longer than usual. If you need urgent care that is not life-threatening, call NHS 24 on 111. They will direct you to the most appropriate care. This might be a pharmacy, a phone or virtual appointment, a minor injuries unit or accident and emergency at one of our hospitals.

Know Who To Turn To

Important: Raigmore inpatient entrance improvement work

Work is currently taking place on improving the area at the main inpatient entrance to wards and departments (Zone 5) of Raigmore Hospital. It is due to be completed by 7 April.

The work will provide better access for patients, visitors and staff as well as improved access for emergency and other NHS vehicles. It will also provide extended and improved drop-off and pick-up points for patients.

While the work is ongoing there will be some disruption including temporary pedestrian routes, restricted vehicle access and short-term closure of one set of entrance doors.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

aerial view of Raigmore Hospital tall building
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  • Travel and transport

    Help with transport planning and costs of travel within the NHS Highland area.

  • Visitor information

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Last updated: 13 March 2025

Next review date: 11 April 2025