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Other health services in Caithness

GP practices, pharmacies and other services in the local area.

Local GP practices

Find out when to call 111.

Between 8am and 6pm for less serious conditions, call your local GP practice.

They'll be able to provide advice and decide on how best to meet your needs. In the first instance this may be a phone call from a nurse, nurse practitioner or a doctor. lf appropriate an appointment to see a doctor, practice pharmacist, nurse practitioner or practice nurse will be arranged. For routine practice nursing appointments (blood tests, dressings and blood pressure), they'll arrange for you to see a practice nurse or healthcare assistant.

Our set up in Caithness General Hospital allows much closer links with services and general practitioners (GPs) than we believe is possible within larger institutions. Co-operation and effective communication between the hospital and general practice is considered vital for patients and their relatives.

List of local practices

Canisbay and Castletown Joint Medical Practice

Dunbeath Health Centre

Pearson Practice, Wick

Three Harbours Medical Group

Following the successful merger of GP practices in Riverbank (Thurso) and Lybster in 2021, NHS Highland is supporting Riverview Practice (Wick) to integrate into a unified primary healthcare team: Three Harbours Medical Group.

Thurso and Halkirk Medical Practice

Halkirk, Castletown/Canisbay, Lybster and Dunbeath are all dispensing practices. Castletown/Canisbay, Lybster and Dunbeath provide a minor injury service.

All practices have opted out of out-of-hours and provide services Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. Opening hours will vary from practice to practice.

Your GP may not always be the first you need to see. Often other services are better able to help. We want to make sure a GP is available to assist you when you really require their skills and experience.

See a list of all NHS Highland GP practices.

stay safe thank you rainbow sign

Local pharmacies

Pharmacists supply and advise on medicines and can be a very useful first port of call, including for:

  • minor ailment service - advice and treatment for minor illnesses like colds, coughs, diarrhoea, and constipation
  • palliative care
  • emergency contraception
  • smoking cessation services
  • gluten free products
  • methadone supervision

Keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet to deal with minor injuries or illness such as cuts, grazes, sore throat, coughs, colds, indigestion and constipation. You can get advice on minor ailments and what to stock in your medicines cabinet from any pharmacy.

List of local pharmacies


See a list of all NHS Highland pharmacies.

NHS Scotland community pharmacy sign on door

Other local services

Community health, mental health and social care services

A range of community health and social care services are available including:

  • nursing
  • midwifery
  • social work
  • physiotherapy
  • podiatry
  • occupational therapy
  • community psychiatric nurse (CPN) - who also provide support for individuals with drug or alcohol problems
  • Care At Home

You can self-refer to these services by calling the integrated teams single point of contact number for your area. These teams have bases at Wick and Thurso.

Dental emergencies

See information about the dental helpline and emergencies.


See a list of opticians in NHS Highland and filter for Wick or Thurso.

Other Caithness-wide services

Health Visitor

phone 01955 609 611 or 01955 609 594

Midwifery team

phone 01955 880 330

Muscle, back or joint problems

phone 0800 917 9390


Last updated: 18 March 2025