Caithness General Hospital (Wick)
General Hospital
Caithness General in Wick is a modern Rural General Hospital, well equipped with facilities and services.
This hospital has an accident and emergency department.

Contact details
- Bignold Ward - phone 01955 880311
- Community Midwifery Unit - phone 01955 880330
- Rosebank Wing - phone 01955 880308
- Surgical Suite - phone 01955 880346
Important: Our hospitals are very busy today

Waiting times in A&E are much longer than usual. If you need urgent care that is not life-threatening, call NHS 24 on 111. They will direct you to the most appropriate care. This might be a pharmacy, a phone or virtual appointment, a minor injuries unit or accident and emergency at one of our hospitals.
Know Who To Turn To
See Know Who To Turn To for more information on when to call 999 or 111.
For serious or life threatening conditions (such as suspected stroke, chest pain or breathing difficulties, severe loss of blood, severe burns, choking, fitting, a child with sudden unexpected symptoms) always call 999 without delay. The trained ambulance staff will advise you.
Caithness General is the main Accident and Emergency department for the area. Patients will be assessed, stabilised, treated or transferred if required. Obstetric (maternity) support is available but the hospital does not have a paediatrician on site. Specialist support and advice is provided from Raigmore Hospital and other specialist hospitals.
Caithness General Hospital is the out-of-hours centre for the area. The hospital also provides for all minor and major injuries and illness. The out-of-hours period is:
- 6pm to 8am, Monday to Friday
- all of Saturday and Sunday
- bank holidays
Call NHS 24 on 111 in the first instance if it's not an emergency - if the issue is something normally treated by your GP practice but can't wait until your GP surgery is open. Use this number to notify a death out-of-hours.
NHS 24 will offer advice and decide with you the best way of meeting your needs. This may be a phone call from a doctor or nurse practitioner, or an arranged consultation in Dunbar Hospital in Thurso or Caithness General (Wick). If your condition is serious or life threatening, an ambulance response will be arranged.
Dunbar Hospital has a nurse-led minor injury unit and out-of-hours centre. You will be seen and assessed by a nurse, then treated and discharged or transferred as required. Call 111 to access the out-of-hours centre and arrange an appointment.

Caithness General Hospital
Caithness General Hospital (Wick)
Caithness General in Wick is a modern Rural General Hospital, well equipped with facilities and services.
Caithness General Hospital maps
Floor plans of Caithness General Hospital, and services located in each area.
Caithness General Hospital services
The services provided at Caithness General Hospital are closely integrated with our community services and together w...
Caithness General Hospital patient and visitor information
The hospital has a reception area in the entrance foyer by the front door. The receptionist should be the first perso...
Other health services in Caithness
GP practices, pharmacies and other services in the local area.