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Find information on NHS Highland hospitals.

Raigmore Hospital is NHS Highland's only District General Hospital and is located in Inverness.

There are three Rural General Hospitals in the NHS Highland area:

Community Hospitals are located throughout NHS Highland.

The National Treatment Centre - Highland in Inverness delivers state-of-the-art health care to the people of the North of Scotland.

Read our hospital patient information and visitor information.

View a map of hospitals in NHS Highland.

Map of hospitals in NHS Highland (image)

Important: Our hospitals are very busy today

Waiting times in A&E are much longer than usual. If you need urgent care that is not life-threatening, call NHS24 on 111. They will direct you to the most appropriate care. This might be a pharmacy, a phone or virtual appointment, a minor injuries unit or accident and emergency at one of our hospitals.

Know Who To Turn To

Last updated: 14 March 2024