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Telecare is an emergency alarm and remote monitoring system.

See contact details for the Technology Enabled Care, Telecare and Telehealth teams.

TEC Logo

About telecare

By providing support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the telecare system enables people to stay safe and independent in their own homes for longer. Telecare can provide peace of mind for clients, their families and their carers.

How does telecare work?

Telecare sensors are either worn or placed around your home, and are activated either by you pressing your red button or through activity (such as a door being opened). When a sensor activates the system uses your landline to raise an alarm call to the NHS Highland Hub Response Centre (Hub). The Hub operator will try to speak to you to find out what is happening and then they will call the best person to help you. This will usually be one of your nominated responders (e.g. family, friends, and neighbours), but could be the emergency service, in case of emergencies. 

We offer internal telecare for people who have carers that live in the same property. Instead of the telecare sensors raising an alarm call to the Hub, they will activate a pager that is carried by the carer. The carer will be immediately alerted if, for example, the front door opens or the person they care for is out of bed. Internal telecare could enable the carer to have a little more freedom, a better night’s sleep and experience less stress.

How could telecare help me?

If you are at risk of falls, you could get a red button that you simply press to call for help.

If you are likely to become lost or confused if you leave your home on your own, you could get door sensors that will let someone know if you leave your home and that you may need help.

If you are a carer and aren’t sleeping well because you might miss something, you could get a pager, which will alert you when your help is needed.

If you are anxious and need extra support after a stay in hospital or after a life-changing event, you could get confidence and reassurance from a red button.

If you are struggling to take the right medication, you can get a medication dispenser that helps to keep you right.

What is available?

Our basic telecare system includes a base unit (that plugs into your telephone line and raises the alarm call), a red button and a smoke detector. This is a great option if you are worried about falling and how you would get help. You will also benefit from linked smoke detectors that will raise an alarm at the Hub in the event of fire.

Enhanced telecare sensors are available for people with more complex needs and risks. Some of the options are:

  • Bed sensor - an alarm is raised if someone gets out of bed and doesn't return, which could indicate they have had a fall
  • Door sensors - an alarm is raised if a door is opened, which might mean the person has left the property
  • Automatic falls detectors - an alarm is raised if it senses the person has had a fall
  • Heat detectors - an alarm is raised if the temperature in the kitchen is very high, which indicates a possible fire
  • Flood detector - an alarm is raised if moisture is detected, which could indicate someone has forgotten to turn a tap off
  • Medication dispenser - dispenses medication when it should be taken.

To see how telecare could help you or someone else, please visit the Telecare Self-Check Online Tool.

What do I need to get Telecare?

  • Be able to nominate 3 responders (who must each live at separate address) within 30 minutes of your home and who are willing to respond if there is a telecare activation. We can accept referrals with 2 responders.
  • A working telephone line that is capable of making incoming and outgoing calls
  • A spare mains electric socket within a metre of the master telephone socket

How much does it cost?

There is a weekly charge of £6.35 - if you are on a low income or receiving palliative care, the service may be provided free of charge.

How do I apply for telecare?

You can apply directly for basic telecare (base unit, red button and smoke detector) here:

Start referral for Telecare

Before starting the referral, please ask your nominated responders if they are willing to be contacted and to get as many contact details as possible (including address, landline number and mobile number).

If you feel you would benefit from enhanced telecare sensors, you will need to contact your local Adult Social Care team for a telecare assessment.

What happens next?

Once your referral has been processed by the TEC team, the Highland Handyperson Scheme will contact you to arrange a date to install your telecare equipment. During this visit, the Handyperson will show you how the equipment works. With your consent, we will request a home fire safety visit from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and ask SSE to add your details to their SSE Priority Register.

Digital switch

All phone lines in the UK are being upgraded from analogue to digital by Telecom providers. This impacts our Telecare service, as our current Telecare boxes use analogue phone lines to connect alarm calls to the Highland Hub. However, we are working to introduce a new digital Telecare box that no longer uses an analogue phone line and instead uses a SIM card or digital line. 

We have already started to roll out these new boxes, and it is likely that new clients will automatically receive one of these. For our existing clients, we will be replacing their Telecare boxes throughout 2024. Please be assured, this digital switch will not affect how the service works, and Telecare clients will continue to receive the same high standard of service they are used to.

If you are an existing client with an analogue box (pictured below) please note that - as of the 5th of September 2023 - BT no longer sells analogue phone lines. This means that anyone who switches their provider or package will automatically be switched to a digital phone line. If you switch to a digital phone line, your analogue Telecare box may no longer work.

Tunstall base unit with yellow, red and green buttons

Therefore, if you decide to change your phone provider or package, or if your phone provider offers you a digital phone line, it is important that you tell them about your Telecare service and ask to remain on an analogue phone line. If you have already been switched over, please contact the Telecare team as soon as possible:

phone 01478 614 211

In the meantime, please continue to use your service as normal and we will be in touch when we are ready to replace your box.

See more information from Ofcom about the digital phone line switchover or contact your phone provider.

Scam calls

We are aware of a scam that has been recently circulating, targeting both vulnerable individuals and Telecare clients. Scammers are contacting people and asking them to sign up for a Telecare service or for payment for a new digital Telecare box, claiming their current system is outdated. These scammers may even pretend to be from NHS Highland or a local GP practice.

We will never ring you and ask for your bank details over the phone, or ask you to purchase new Telecare equipment. We will be upgrading our current Telecare box to a new digital box - this upgrade will be provided free of charge.

If you receive a call about your Telecare service and are unsure if it is genuine, please contact the Telecare team:

phone 01478 614 211

See useful information from Age Concern about how we can protect ourselves from phone scams.

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Last updated: 26 January 2024