Occupational health and wellbeing
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NHS Highland Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service is concerned with the health and wellbeing of the working population in the Highlands of Scotland.
Important: Contacts
- phone 01463 704499
- email nhsh.ohadmin@nhs.scot
Clinics are held at Broom House, Raigmore Hospital.
The administration team is based at:
Osprey House
Raigmore Avenue
What we do
We recognise the important benefits of work and how healthy employees contribute to a productive and motivated workforce. We offer a wide range of services to help protect employees from any hazards at work and to support them to continue or return to work after illness or injury.
We provide confidential and impartial advice to employers to help manage health at work. The service assists employers in reducing sickness absence and in meeting legal obligations under Health and Safety, Employment and Disability legislation.
Broom House location
Broom House
Raigmore Hospital
Services provided
- management referrals
- pre-employment screening and other medicals e.g. driver fitness, confined spaces, working at height, food handler
- health surveillance e.g. respiratory, skin, noise, hand arm vibration, lead
- immunisations
- vocational rehabilitation i.e. physiotherapy and psychological therapy
- workplace health policy formulation
- workplace health improvement initiatives
- alcohol and drug screening
- ill health retirement advice
Our service is provided by:
- qualified and registered consultant occupational physicians
- occupational health nurses and advisors
- clinic nurses
- physiotherapists
- psychological therapy practitioners
- business and administrative teams
The service is delivered both from our base in Inverness and at various locations across the Highland area. We also operate through networks with other NHS and private occupational health providers.
For more information on the benefits of the NHS Highland Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service for your company please contact Debbie Miller on the phone number above.
Data protection and GDPR
Questions and answers about Occupational Health (OH) data. Please refer to the NHS Highland privacy notice for further information in relation to NHS Highland's responsibilities under data protection legislation. You will see information on your rights and how to make a complaint should you be unhappy with the manner in which we process your data.
NHS Highland Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service is recognised for Occupational Medicine training by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians (FOM). We are also a recognised training centre for Occupational Health Nurses, linking with major Universities across Scotland. FOM is the professional and educational body for occupational medicine in the UK and seeks to ensure the highest standards in clinical practice.
Safe, Effective, Quality, Occupational Health Service (SEQOHS) accreditation is managed by FOM, and provides independent and impartial recognition that a service has objectively demonstrated competence to a team of faculty trained assessors. NHS Highland Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service have achieved SEQOHS and have maintained accreditation since 2014.
In addition to achieving SEQOHS, NHS Highland Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service also actively participate in clinical audit. Management of Health at Work Knowledge (MoHaWK), also managed by FOM, is a national clinical audit tool which measures and benchmarks practice and processes in order for services to identify if improvements are required.
Complaints and concerns
NHS Highland Occupational Health (OH) aims to provide an efficient and high-quality service to all our service users. As well as constantly looking for ways to develop and improve our services, we also aim to continue doing the things that are positively acknowledged by our service users.
If, however, you are unhappy with any aspect of your care or the service you receive in Occupational Health, please speak to a member of the OH team as soon as possible. Our aims are to:
- deal with complaints openly, promptly and properly
- try to resolve complaints as soon as we can
- learn from complaints to improve our services
Where relevant, please address your concerns with the member of the OH team who is working with you, in order that they are given an opportunity to discuss the issues with you and address your concerns.
If it is not appropriate to speak with the member of the OH team, or your issue is not resolved:
- Please put your complaint in writing to the Occupational Health Manager, either:
- email ohadmin@nhs.scot
- post to NHS Highland OHS, Raigmore Hospital, Old Perth Road, Inverness IV2 3UJ
- The complaint will be acknowledged on receipt.
- The Occupational Health manager will investigate the complaint. This may include seeking further information from you about the complaint.
- Following the investigation, a written response setting out Occupational Health's formal response to the complaint will be provided within 20 working days.
- If you are still dissatisfied, or consider your complaint complex, serious or high risk then please contact NHS Highland feedback team.
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