Perinatal and infant mental health
On this page
Pregnancy and having a baby can be an exciting time for new parents but can also be challenging and overwhelming at times too.
About perinatal mental health
Mental illness can affect anybody - regardless of previous history - with 20% of women and 15% of men affected by mental health problems during pregnancy and/or after the birth of their baby. Some women may experience a mental health problem for the first time during their pregnancy or after the birth of their baby. Other women will have had past or ongoing mental health problems and then become pregnant.
Your midwife or health visitor will ask you about your, and your partner's, emotional wellbeing throughout the perinatal period. Perinatal describes the period of time from conception to your baby's first birthday.
Sharing how you are feeling in the perinatal period openly and honestly with your GP, midwife or health visitor is really important and we appreciate it can be really difficult to admit that you're struggling. Many women experience feelings of guilt and this can make it really difficult to tell somebody.
It may be that you are not enjoying your pregnancy or the company of other people whom you normally would enjoy, such as your new baby, partner, best friend, or parent. You may be feeling increased anxiety or worry about the pregnancy or your baby, and not want other people to help or interfere.
Whatever your concerns, please know that you are not alone in feeling this way, and we would encourage you to share any concerns with your GP, midwife or health visitor in the first instance. If you require any additional support, your GP, midwife or health visitor can discuss your needs with the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Team who together can consider early interventions, signposting or onward referral to an appropriate service to best support you and your family.
Important: Your mental health and wellbeing in pregnancy
Emotional highs and lows are natural and normal when you’re pregnant. Most women have good mental health during their pregnancy, though some find it harder to manage. You can help yourself stay mentally well while pregnant and preparing for the birth of your baby.
Your mental health and wellbeing in pregnancy - more information at NHS informReferral to the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Team
The Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Team aim to:
- promote good mental health before and after you give birth
- support good relationships between you and your baby, and with your wider family
- offer advice and support to other staff who are caring for you before and after you give birth
Who works in the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Team?
- clinical psychologists
- specialist perinatal mental health nurses
- a specialist midwife
- a parent-infant therapist
- and we have access to an advanced clinical pharmacist
What does the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Team offer?
- assessment and treatment if you are experiencing a mental health difficulty before or after you give birth
- support for developing a good relationship with your baby, as well as the rest of your family
- advice if you have a history of significant mental health difficulties, and are considering having a baby
- help to access support from other agencies, including voluntary and charitable organisations
- advice sessions for staff who are looking after you, before and after you give birth
How do I get referred to the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Team?
You can be referred by your GP or any other staff member working with you. We are a small team and do not meet directly with every person who is referred to us, but we would usually offer you an appointment if your mental health difficulty:
- has not responded to treatment from your GP
- is preventing you from accessing appropriate care before or after you give birth
- arises from a previous pregnancy, birth trauma or loss
- is interfering with your ability to bond with or parent your baby
How would I attend appointments?
We recognise that it may not always be easy to attend appointments in person, although we would aim to offer this where appropriate. We also make use of phone and video appointments. Where possible we would give you the choice about how you would like to attend.
The mental health of dads-to-be and partners is also incredibly important at this time. We have included partners' resources below so that they can also access information and support if needed.
Mental health self-help
Local information is provided here on services in Highland that you can access, including therapeutic services, local charities and online self-help resources.
Local and national organisations and resources
- Peeple - supporting parents and children to learn together
- Homestart East Highland and Homestart Caithness - together covering most of the Highlands, support and friendship for families
- LATNEM - peer support for mums and families
- Held In Our Hearts - pregnancy and baby loss support
- Perinatal Counselling and Therapy - from CrossReach
- Prevent Suicide - Highland app
- Highland Mindfulness Group
- Advocacy Highland
- Pelvic Partnership
- Action on Postpartum Psychosis
- Wednesday's Child - eating disorder support and training
- Trauma Counselling Line Scotland (TCLS) - counselling for those who have experienced abuse in childhood
Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - please speak to your health professional for more information on:
- Silvercloud Perinatal Wellbeing Programme
- Beating the Blues
Tommy's Wellbeing Plan - create your own personalised emotional wellbeing plan for your pregnancy and the postnatal period. Interactive webpage that asks relevant questions tailored to your emotional needs.
Other resources
- Parent Club - Baby Box and all your parenting needs
- NHS inform
- Birth Trauma Association
- Mind
- Tommy's
Partners' resources
Dads and partners are often overlooked when it comes to postnatal health and mental health. We know from research that the mental health of dads-to-be and partners is also incredibly important at this time. Feelings of anxiety are understandable and common, but should not be affecting daily life. Partners too can seek help if they are affected by low mood after the birth of their child.
Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about being a parent and if you will be good enough. This is just like what mothers experience. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal. However, some people find it hard to control their worries. Their feelings of anxiety are more constant and this can often affect their daily life.
Dads and partners can also suffer from postnatal depression which is a serious and common condition which won't get better by itself. If you had a broken arm or a deep cut on your foot, you wouldn't expect that to heal without medical help. It's the same with postnatal depression. If you have any concerns about yourself or your partner, please discuss with your GP or health professional.
If you require any additional support, your GP, midwife or health visitor can discuss your needs with the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Team, who together can consider early interventions, signposting or onward referral to an appropriate service.
The website links below may help you to understand what you are feeling and offer you some support and guidance.
- Dads Matter
- Mind
- DadPad mobile apps
- National Childbirth Trust
- Fathers Network Scotland
- Dads Rock - peer support for dads and families
- Safer sleep guide - Easy Read version
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Important: Highland Mental Wellbeing
Highland Mental Wellbeing is a list of both local and national services, information and training around the subject of mental health and wellbeing. It can be confusing to know where to start with online information, so it aims to help by highlighting some of the best websites and sources of help. It also provides information about training and resources for community/service volunteers or paid staff, in a 'helping' or supporting role.

Important: Mental health information at NHS inform
NHS inform provides a wealth of information on identifying, treating and managing mental health problems and disorders.
- Mental health - identifying, treating and managing mental health problems and disorders
- Get help with your mental health and wellbeing - including a guide to help you find support, and information about digital programmes:
- Mental health and wellbeing self-help guides - anxiety, grief, pain, depression, anger, sleep and phobias are covered in these interactive and practical self-help guides using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
In-person services and locations
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In-person services and locations
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Know Who To Turn To
Know how to get the right care, in the right place.
Near Me
NHS Highland offers Near Me video appointments.
Related services and accessibility
Ways to help you access your services. Related services for patients and public.