Ultrasound scanning
On this page
The obstetric ultrasound team perform scans during your pregnancy.
Contact us
Your midwife or consultant will refer you to us. If required, our contact is:
phone 01463 704349
Our appointments team, for a change of appointment date or time:
phone 01463 706535
Where are we?
We are located in zone 10, part of the maternity unit at Raigmore Hospital.
Who are we?
We are a team of 7 midwife/obstetric sonographers and 12 obstetric ultrasound technicians. Together, we are the team responsible for your ultrasound appointments and the scans performed during your pregnancy.
What do we do?
We perform the two diagnostic scans in your pregnancy:
- first trimester scan at 11+2 - 14+1 gestation
- fetal anomaly detailed scan at 18+0 - 20+6 gestation
Some women will require growth scans during their pregnancy which we provide, along with additional scans for diabetes, twins, fetal medicine and the identified small for gestational age baby.
These scans are performed either in the department or as part of your consultant care within the antenatal clinic. We also perform scans for the obstetric day case unit should you require assessment during your pregnancy.
You're pregnant! Scans and tests
Public Health Scotland has produced a leaflet explaining pregnancy screening in Scotland, why it's offered, and what happens next if a test finds that your baby might have a health condition or chromosomal condition.
The information is available in large print, Easy Read and languages other than English.

Important: Ultrasound scans during pregnancy
An ultrasound scan (sonogram) uses sound waves that bounce off solid objects to create two-dimensional black and white images on a screen. It's completely safe for you and your baby.
Scans are carried out by trained healthcare professionals called sonographers. Some midwives are also sonographers. Screening scans look for issues and check if your baby's growing well.
More about ultrasound scans at NHS inform