Loss and bereavement care
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NHS Highland midwives, nurses, doctors and healthcare support workers, in all areas where a pregnancy loss can occur, are there to support you.
Coping with grief
The loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy or soon after birth can be an overwhelming time, with many mixed emotions such as sadness, shock, anger, guilt or disbelief. These are all normal feelings that you may go through after the loss of a baby.
Equally there is no right or wrong way to grieve and you may find that you and your partner may grieve in different ways, but it is important to remember to take time together, to talk and remember your baby.
Marking your loss and making memories
The staff will aim to offer all women and their partner information about possible options for marking their loss or creating memories, while respecting that not everyone will want this. These may include, for example, a scan photo, a memory box, photographs, certificate and hand and footprints.
There is support available while you are still in hospital or once you are home, and can be carried out via a telephone call or face-to-face.
Bereavement support midwives
There are bereavement support link midwives for NHS Highland. They are experienced midwives with knowledge around bereavement care who are able to support women and their families with pregnancy loss at any gestation. They work as part of a multidisciplinary team and act as a resource for other staff members.
Spiritual care
The spiritual care department provide a supportive, administrative and pastoral care to all families who have lost a baby.
Child death review team
Every death of a child in Scotland will now be reviewed by NHS Highland. In Highland this team is based within the Public Health Department at Larch House. One of the key aims is to improve the experiences and engagement with families and carers throughout the review process.
Support groups
A list of resources for organisations who may be able to help you during this difficult time.
- Miscarriage Association - provides support and information to anyone affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy and offers a helpline, online support, live chat and support groups.
- Ectopic Pregnancy Trust - provides support and information for people who have had or been affected by an ectopic pregnancy.
- Held In Our Hearts - provides baby loss counselling and support. Counselling is free and open ended and other services include one-to-one befriending, group, telephone and online support.
- Sands - a stillbirth and neonatal death charity providing support and information for anyone affected by the death of a baby, through an accredited national helpline, a range of trained peer support services delivered face-to-face in local communities, online and printed resources including a bereavement support app and a moderated online forum.
- Scottish Care and Information on Miscarriage - provides support and information for early and late loss.
- SiMBA - drop-in groups for anyone who has gone through the death of a baby at any stage of pregnancy or close to the time of birth, including all family members. SiMBA also provides memory boxes, family rooms in hospitals and bespoke remembrance events
- Tommy's - information and support following miscarriage.
- Twins Trust Bereavement Support Group - offers support for families who have lost one or more children from a multiple birth during pregnancy, birth or at any time afterwards. Formerly TAMBA.
Alcohol and pregnancy
If you're planning a pregnancy or think you could become pregnant, the safest approach is to not drink alcohol.
Drug use and pregnancy
If you’re pregnant, trying, or could become pregnant, it’s best to avoid any drugs.
Family nurse partnership
The Family Nurse Partnership is a home visiting programme for first time mums aged 20 and under and their families.
Loss and bereavement care
NHS Highland midwives, nurses, doctors and healthcare support workers, in all areas where a pregnancy loss can occur,...
Smoking and pregnancy
If you're planning a pregnancy or think you could become pregnant, stop smoking as this can be harmful to you, your u...