Understanding my results
Understanding your results and what happens next.
Your results
When will I get my results?
You will get your results by letter within 10 weeks.
If you want your results to go to a different address, you can tell the person doing your test.
The results will also be sent to the person who took your test and your GP.
If you haven’t got your results in 10 weeks, phone your GP practice.

What will my results show?
There are 4 possible results:
- We found no HPV
- We found HPV, but no cell changes were seen
- We found HPV and cell changes were seen
- Unclear result

We found no HPV
No HPV found
- Your risk of getting cervical cancer is very low at this time.
- You will be invited for another cervical screening test in 5 years.

We found HPV, but no cell changes were seen
HPV found but no cell changes
- You will be asked to come for another cervical screening test earlier than usual.
- This will be in around 12 months after your results.
- This is to check if your body is now clear of HPV.

We found HPV and cell changes were seen
We found HPV and cell changes were seen
You will be asked to come for further tests at a specialist clinic to take a closer look at your cervix.

Unclear result
Unclear result
- Sometimes for technical reasons the laboratory cannot get a result.
- You will be asked to come back for another cervical screening test.
- This is nothing to worry about.

Further tests
Further tests
If your results letter says you will be asked to come for further tests, this means you will be invited for a colposcopy.
You can find more information on the next page (Further tests).