Why is breast screening important?
This page explains what breast screening is and why it is important.
What is breast screening?
Breast screening
Breast screening is a test for breast cancers that are too small to see or feel.
Breast screening can find breast cancer early.
Breast screening can reduce the number of women who die from breast cancer.

Who should go for breast screening?
Aged 50 to 70 years old
Anyone in Scotland aged 50 to 70 years old with breasts are offered breast screening.

How often?
Breast screening is offered every 3 years.

Benefits and risks
Benefits of screening
Breast screening can find cancers that are small.
It can find breast cancer before it is big enough to see or feel.
If breast cancer is found at an early stage it can be easier to treat.

Risks of screening
Breast screening does not find all breast cancers.
Changes can happen to the breasts between breast screening appointments.
It is important to check your breasts and tell your GP if you notice any changes.
If you have breast cancer you might have to make a difficult choice about what treatment to have.
You might be treated for a cancer that might not spread or cause you harm.

Screening for transgender and non-binary people
Trans person/non-binary
Will I be invited automatically for screening if I’m a trans person or non-binary?