Understanding my results
Understanding your results and what happens next.
Your results
When will I get my results?
You will get your results by letter in about 6 weeks.
Your GP will be sent your results too.
If you haven’t got your results in 6 weeks, phone your local screening centre.
If you live in Highland contact the North of Scotland Breast Screening Service: 01463 705416
If you live in Argyll and Bute contact the West of Scotland Breast Screening Service: 0141 800 8800

What will my results show?
Your test results will show 1 of 2 possible results:
- Negative Result
- Positive Result

Negative result
Negative result
Most people will have a negative result.
This means there was no sign of breast cancer.
You will be invited for screening again in 3 years.

Positive result
Positive result
For ever 100 people who go for breast screening about 5 have a positive test result.
A positive test result does not mean you have breast cancer.
It means something in the breast needs to be looked at closely to find out exactly what it is.
You will be invited for more tests.