Information for transgender and non-binary people
Eligibility and how to access breast screening.
Transgender an easy read guide - Care Management Group, CHANGE and Choice Support (pdf, 2023)
Transgender women
If you're a trans woman and taking hormones you may be at risk of breast cancer.
You will automatically be invited for breast screening if:
- you changed your CHI number to female after 14th June 2015
You will not be invited if:
- you have not changed your CHI number to female.
- you changed your CHI number to female on or before 14th June 2015.
- You should contact the breast screening service to make an appointment. Information about who to contact can be found at the bottom of the page.

Transgender men and non-binary people assigned female at birth
If you're a transgender man or a non-binary person assigned female at birth and haven't had your breasts removed, you may be at risk of breast cancer.
You will automatically be invited for breast screening if:
- you have not changed your CHI number to male.
- you changed your CHI number to male after 14 June 2015
You won't be invited if:
- you changed your CHI number to male on or before 14 June 2015.
- You can still have breast screening by arranging an appointment with your local breast screening centre.
Details on how to do this are at the bottom of the page.
Breast removal surgery (mastectomy)
If you're a transgender man or a non-binary person assigned female at birth and have had a both breasts removed:
- you're less likely to develop breast cancer as you have little breast tissue
- you won't be eligible for breast screening
- You should remain breast aware and contact your GP if you notice any unusual changes.

Non-binary people assigned male at birth
You are not eligible for breast screening.

Making an appointment for breast screening
If you live in Highland contact the North of Scotland Breast Screening Service: 01463 705416
If you live in Argyll and Bute contact the West of Scotland Breast Screening Service: 0141 800 8800

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