About my test
Information on your bowel screening test kit including how to do the test, what to do after the test and how to re-order another test kit.
The bowel screening test kit
Your bowel screening kit
You will be sent a bowel screening test kit to your home address.
It contains 3 things.

The bowel screening test kit includes:
A small tube to collect your poo sample.

The bowel screening test kit includes:
Full instructions on how to complete the test.
Bowel screening letter - Public Health Scotland (pdf, June 2023)

The bowel screening test kit includes:
A yellow pre-paid postage envelope.

Before the test
Bowel screening test letter
Read all the information before you start to do the test.

If you need help
If you need any help you can call the free NHS Scotland bowel screening helpline telephone number: 0800 0121 833
(textphone 18001 0800 0121 833).

If you need more help
Talk to someone you trust like a support worker, family member or friend.
Your bowel screening test - Public Health Scotland Easy Read Guide (pdf, April 2024)

Dating your test
For the test, you need one small sample of your poo.
On the day you are taking a sample of poo, write the date on the test.

Put the label on your test
Your label is on the front of your letter.
Please check the name and date of birth are correct before you add the label to the test kit.

Where to put the label
Stick the label on the side of the test marked with the +

How to collect a sample of poo
For the test, you need one small sample of your poo.
Before taking the test, decide how you are going to collect a sample of poo.
Some things you can use are:
- Toilet paper, tissue or kitchen roll covering your hand
- A small clean plastic bag put on your hand
- A paper plate
- A clean empty carton, like a margarine tub or an ice-cream pot

If you use an empty carton, it must be one that you can throw away afterwards.

Lining the carton
Put some toilet paper inside the carton you use before collecting the poo.
This makes it easier to empty it into the toilet when you are finished.

Before doing the test
Take the test kit, instructions and what you need to catch your poo, into the toilet with you.

Doing the test
Opening the test kit
When you have collected the poo, open the test kit by twisting the top around.

Taking the sample
A stick is attached to the top. Take the sample by scraping the end of the stick on the poo.

A small amount
Only a small amount of poo is needed.

The two holes
Make sure the two holes at the end of the stick are covered in poo.

Closing the test
Close the test straight after taking your sample by putting the stick back into the test and twisting the top around.

Do not reopen the test.

Any questions?
If you have any questions after doing the test or think you have made a mistake you can get help from the free NHS Scotland bowel screening helpline number: 0800 0121 833 (textphone 18001 0800 0121 833).

If you need more help
Ask some you trust like a support worker, family member or friend to help.

Cleaning up
Disposing of the poo
Tip the poo and any toilet paper carefully into the toilet.
Flush the toilet.

Disposing of the carton
Put the carton or anything else used to catch the poo into a bag and put that in the bin.
Do not use the carton for anything else.

Wash your hands.

Sending the test kit back
Step 1
Check that you have closed the test.
The top should be twisted round securely.
Make sure you have stuck the label from your NHS letter to your test.
Check you have written the date you took the poo sample on the label.

Step 2
Put your test in the envelope.
Take off the white strip of paper and stick the envelope down so it is sealed.

Step 3
You do not need to put a stamp on the envelope.
Make sure you have sealed the yellow envelope.
Put the yellow envelope it in the post box.
Remember to send the test back as soon as possible.
Bowel screening letter - Public Health Scotland (pdf, June 2023)

Bowel kit re-ordering
Ordering online
If you need a new test because your original one has been lost or damaged, you can order another one.
You can order another bowel screening test by completing the online Request a bowel screening test kit form

Ordering by telephone
You can also ask for a test kit by contacting the Scottish Bowel Screening Centre by telephone: 0800 0121 833 (textphone 18001 0800 0121 833)

Ordering by email
You can ask for a test kit by contacting the Scottish Bowel Screening Centre by email via tay.scottishbowelscreening@nhs.scot

Bowel screening: it's up to you
This video from NHS Lothian looks at how to do the bowel screening test