Information for transgender and non-binary people
Eligibility and how to access AAA screening.
Transgender an easy read guide - Care Management Group, CHANGE and Choice Support (pdf,2023)
Transgender women and non-binary people assigned male at birth
If you are a trans woman or non-binary person assigned male at birth you are at risk of having an AAA.
You are eligible for AAA screening when you are 65.
You will be automatically invited if:
- You have not changed your CHI number to female.
- You changed your CHI number to female after 14th June 2015.
You will not be automatically invited if:
- You changed your CHI number to female on or before 14th June 2015.
- You should contact the AAA screening service to make an appointment. Telephone: 01463 704 067

Transgender men and non-binary people assigned female at birth
You are less likely to have an AAA if you are a transgender man or non-binary person assigned female at birth.
If you have changed your CHI number to male, you will be automatically invited and can choose whether you would like to attend.

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Let's go back to the beginning and look at:
Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening (Easy Read)