Chronic pain management
On this page
Living with long-term pain has a considerable impact on a person’s quality of life.
If you have persistent pain and are reading this, you may find it reassuring to know that you are not alone - approximately 1 in 5 people in Scotland experience chronic pain.
Your GP can refer you to our service, however the information here and resources on how you can help yourself with your pain are for anyone to use, and useful links will signpost you to recognised and valid resources. See also introductory videos from the pain management team.
Important: Contacts
The NHS Highland Chronic Pain Management Service are here to help:
- email
- phone 07971 993 760
- phone 07855 133 996
The Chronic Pain Management Service work throughout NHS Highland seeing patients face to face in our hospitals, virtually over Near Me or through telephone appointments.
Meet the team
We'd like to introduce you to the members of the chronic pain management team:
- Dr Steve Gilbert
- Dr John Macleod
- Zoe Newson - Clinical Nurse Manager
- Abbie Durrand - Senior Nurse Specialist
- Ariane Sultana - Senior Nurse Specialist
- Claire Muir - Lead Pain Physiotherapist
- Dr Loren Scott-Lodge - Principle Clinical Psychologist
- Eileen MacCallum - CBT Therapist
- Kate Kenmure - District Manager
- Louise McInnes - Service Improvement Manager
Administrative support
- Jill Asher - Patient Focus Booking Officer
- Julie Young, Mary MacDougall and Carrie Mackay - Team Secretaries
Introduction to the NHS Highland Chronic Pain Management Service (video)
Near Me - Healthcare from Home (video)
Jill in Thurso uses Near Me to attend online doctor and consultant appointments for chronic pain management, from home.
Chronic pain management
Chronic pain management
Living with long-term pain has a considerable impact on a person’s quality of life.
How you can help yourself with your pain
We understand that by the time you’ve been referred to the Chronic Pain Management Service it's likely you've tried l...
Videos from the pain management team
Psychotherapy, physiotherapy and nursing staff, and the Pain Medicine Consultant, introduce on video what to expect f...