Hepatitis C
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Hepatitis C can also be called Hep C or HCV.
Contact the Viral Hepatitis service at NHS Highland.

About hepatitis C
Hepatitis C causes inflammation of the liver. When your liver becomes inflamed, it can become damaged and eventually have difficulty carrying out its various and vital functions. If left untreated, hepatitis C can lead to serious liver damage, such as cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer which can result in premature death.
However, hepatitis C can be cured with treatment. The treatment is very straightforward and consists of a short course of tablets. The current treatments are safe and very effective and the majority of people do not feel any side-effects. This is different to the old treatments which took longer to work and had more side effects.
Elimination of hepatitis C
The new treatments have progressed significantly over recent years with current treatment options providing the potential to cure almost all those infected with HCV. This has led to the ambition across the world to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat through effective treatment and prevention of transmission by 2030.
Within Scotland, the Scottish Government has made a commitment to treat more people with hepatitis C with the aim of eliminating HCV infection and HCV-related severe disease and death as a major public health concern in Scotland by the end of the 2024/25 financial year.
NHS Highland is committed towards the ambition of eliminating HCV in Scotland. This is an incredibly exciting opportunity and a wide range of activities are underway to support this aim. If you would like to know more about the work we are doing please contact Dr Jenny Wares, Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Strategic Lead for BBVs.
Important: Hepatitis C guidance at NHS inform
Hepatitis C is a liver infection that’s spread through blood. It can be cured with treatment. But if left untreated, it can sometimes cause serious and potentially life-threatening damage to the liver over many years.
See more information on hepatitis C at NHS inform:
- symptoms
- when to get medical advice
- treatments
- how hepatitis C is spread
- how to prevent hepatitis C
- complications
Further information
- The Hepatitis C Trust - a charity working across the UK to find, test and support people into treatment for hepatitis C.
- British Liver Trust - the UK's leading liver health charity working to improve liver health for all, and supporting those affected by liver disease or cancer
- Sexual health and blood borne virus action plan: Hepatitis C (HCV) Elimination - Sexual health and blood borne virus action plan 2023 to 2026 - at gov.scot
Blood borne viruses
Blood borne viruses
Hepatitis C (HCV), Hepatitis B (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are viruses carried in the blood - blood ...
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a virus that affects the liver and can lead to acute (short term) or chronic (long term) infection.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C can also be called Hep C or HCV.