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Audiology (hearing)

On this page

The Audiology service works closely with ear, nose and throat (ENT) and other NHS colleagues and covers the whole NHS Highland area.

We work with both child and adult patients offering comprehensive audiology and hearing aid services.

See also Deaf services for a list of drop-in centres for local repairs and replacements, and useful links.

Important: Contacts

Appointment only - we are not able to accommodate 'walk-ins'.

To help us streamline our service please include the patient’s name and date of birth in every correspondence you send to us.


Audiology Department, Raigmore Hospital (Inverness)

  • email
  • phone 0800 917 8056
    • available Monday to Friday - between 9am and 11am, and between 2pm and 4pm
  • text (SMS) 07795 666 647
    • for text-only users - this is not an answered telephone, it is only for patients with a profound loss who are unable to speak on the telephone.

Argyll and Bute

Audiology Department, Lorn and Islands District General Hospital

  • phone 01631 788993

About the service

The Audiologist carries out a range of tests on adults and children to determine the presence, nature and extent of hearing loss and balance disorders, enabling accurate clinical diagnosis in a range of hearing related conditions.

A further role includes the long term management and rehabilitation of the hearing impaired and those with tinnitus, many of whom require the support of hearing aids/communication equipment and counselling with respect to their hearing loss or tinnitus. 

Drop-in centres for NHS hearing aid batteries

Local services are available for battery re-supply. See also Deaf services drop-in centres for other equipment.

Hearing aid repair or replacement

Has your hearing aid been lost or damaged?


Hearing aid repairs are appointment-only. Please use the phone or email contacts provided above and we can arrange for advice and support for your hearing aid. 

By post

Please download, complete and return the form below by post or email. Alternative versions of the form are provided.

Questions and answers about lost or damaged hearing aids

Please do not try to contact the finance department about these questions - use our contact details instead.

What is the charge for?

The £40 charge is for the administration costs involved. This paperwork is generally passed to the finance department within two weeks. Once the report form has been sent to finance, the charge is non-refundable.

Once I have paid the fee, does this mean I own the hearing aid?

No - all hearing aids remain the property of NHS Highland.

I have found my hearing aid after reporting it lost - why am I still being charged?

The charge is in relation to the administration costs, not for the hearing aid itself.

Why am I waiting so long for my hearing aid?

Due to a recent increase in lost hearing aids reported to us, the waiting time has increased. We are limited in the number of hearing aids we can replace at any one time, due to departmental resources.

Once I have paid my invoice, when will my hearing aid arrive?

Regardless of when the invoice is paid, there will still be a waiting time of approximately 8-10 weeks. If an invoice has not been paid by the time the hearing aid is due to be posted, this will cause a further delay.

Important: Near Me

Near Me outpatient services

Last updated: 3 March 2025

Next review date: 2 February 2026