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Self-directed support

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Self-directed support is about assisting individuals who may need support to have maximum choice and control over how this support is planned and provided.

About self-directed support

When working with individuals (including their unpaid carers) the principles we follow are:

  • Treat supported people with dignity and respect at all times, including when they first complete an outcomes-focused assessment with an individual.
  • Offer the four self-directed support options and explain what each of them mean in a balanced and impartial way, and how they would work for the supported person’s unique circumstances.
  • Make sure that supported people have a say in planning what their support looks like and that they have as much involvement as they want in decisions about their support.
  • Make sure that supported people have enough information to understand what is available and to make the choices which are right for them. This should include information about where to find independent support to help them choose.
  • Make sure that supported people have opportunities to challenge and ask questions about any aspect of their support, and are given enough time to understand and participate in decisions about their support, particularly when it is being stopped or changed.

Our approach to self-directed support also includes the idea that, as much as possible, individuals needing support will use their own strengths and assets to address the barriers they face. This will include personal and family resources, community services and supports, and universal services and benefits.

If you think your situation means you might need support to live an ordinary life then you, or someone who cares for you, may wish to get in touch with one of our Single Points Of Access.

The above principles are based on the Social Care (Self-directed support) (Scotland) Act 2013 Statutory Guidance (pdf).

  • Outcomes-focused assessment

    Individuals needing support generally tell us they want to live as independently as possible. They want to enjoy bett...

  • The 4 options

    How should self-directed support work for the supported person?

Last updated: 6 March 2025