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Appropriate Adult Service

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Support for Vulnerable Adults Involved in the Criminal Justice System in the Highland area

Highland Appropriate Adult Service

The role of the Appropriate Adult is to provide communication support to vulnerable adults (over 16) who might be victims, witnesses, suspects or accused persons, as they go through various police processes and procedures when the police are investigating crimes.

Under s.42 of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016, the police service is required to request such support for vulnerable adults in their custody.

The Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 (Support for Vulnerable Persons) Regulations 2019 puts duties onto local authorities to ensure appropriate adults are available as required.

Generally such support is provided by the local authority, either directly, or via commissioned services.  In the Highland area, this support is provided by the Highland Appropriate Adult Scheme, a partnership arrangement, which is managed by NHS Highland.

What an Appropriate Adult does

The Appropriate Adult’s role is to help to ensure that vulnerable adults are not disadvantaged, compared to adults who are not vulnerable, during the taking of statements, investigative interviews including PIRoS (Police Interviews - Rights of Suspects), identification procedures, forensic examinations, etc.

The Appropriate Adult is there to assist a vulnerable person (who might be a victim, witness or suspect/accused person) to understand what is going on, and to support communication between the vulnerable person and the police.

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    Support for Vulnerable Adults Involved in the Criminal Justice System in the Highland area

Last updated: 6 March 2025