Raigmore water supply update


Since Friday 21 February a number of actions have taken place to reduce any residual risk to patients and staff following potential risk of contamination, from the removal of redundant water pipes, of the hot water supply in the tower block of Raigmore Hospital.

Update - Legionella detected in water supply at Campbeltown Hospital - safety measures implemented


Recent routine water sampling at Campbeltown Hospital has detected the presence of Legionella bacteria in the water supply. In response to this discovery, a comprehensive set of health and safety measures has been implemented to mitigate any potential risks.

Water supply at Campbeltown Dental Department and Hospital


During routine maintenance, it was identified that there is a potential risk of contamination to the water supply within Campbeltown Hospital and Campbeltown Hospital Dental Service.

Water supply at Raigmore Hospital


During routine maintenance it has been identified that there has been a potential risk of contamination to the hot water supply in the tower block of Raigmore Hospital.

Adult Support and Protection Day 2025


Residents across Highland are being asked to be alert to vulnerable adults in their communities who are susceptible to financial harm.

Consultation on proposed Helensburgh Pharmacy


Time is running out for residents of Helensburgh to have their say on a proposed new pharmacy in the area.

Highland Health Board Endowment Funds charity awarded £98,200 as part of NHS Charities Together’s ‘Innovation Challenge’ fund


The Highland Health Board Endowment Funds charity (SC016791) is one of six NHS charities across the UK to receive funding from NHS Charities Together’s Innovation Challenge Fund.

Highland celebrates Gold Infant Feeding Award from UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative


Highland Council and NHS Highland are celebrating their joint achievement in attaining the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative Gold accreditation.
