Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) are pleased to share that all health and social care services are operating after the adverse weather.
We sincerely apologise to everyone impacted by the unavoidable cancellation of appointments, treatments and services scheduled from Friday through the weekend. Please be assured that all health and social care services are working hard to reschedule all affected people to the next available appointments. Your understanding and patience during this period are greatly appreciated.
Important information and resources
- Argyll and Bute Council Website - about Council services
- Met Office - weather updates
- Police Scotland Travel Advisory
- Power Track app - check the status of power outages
- Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
- Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board
- NHS Highland
- NHS Inform – Scottish health information you can trust
- NHS 24 and NHS 24 Mental Health Hub 111
- Transport Scotland
- SSEN Welfare Vans locations
LiveArgyll free showers - Bute, Dunoon and Kintyre
- Sunday 8am - 3pm
- Monday 7am - 9pm
- Tuesday 7am - 8pm
Rothesay Leisure Centre
- Sunday 9am - 3pm
- Monday 6.30am - 8pm
- Tuesday 6.30am - 8pm
Riverside Leisure Centre
- Sunday 9am - 4pm
- Monday 6.30am - 8pm
- Tuesday 6.30am - 8pm
Important contact details and phone numbers
- Emergency services: 999
- Non-emergency: 101
- NHS24 and NHS 24 Mental Health Hub: 111 (free to call from both landlines and mobile phones)
- Loss of power: 105
- Gas emergencies: 0800 111 999
- Scottish Water: 0800 077 8778
- Floodline Scotland: 0345 988 1188
- Argyll and Bute Duty Social Work: 01546 605517 (during working hours - Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm) or 01631 566491 or 01631 569712 (emergency standby out of hours service)