A new online platform has been launched to encourage people across Highland, Argyll and Bute to engage directly with NHS Highland.
The NHS Highland Engagement Hub is a one-stop shop for engagement, to let us know about the topics people would like to hear more about, become involved in and stay updated on.
This online resource will build on and strengthen traditional methods for engagement, which we will continue to develop to ensure equity of access. For example, public meetings will be recorded on the day and uploaded to the Engagement Hub to ensure those who were unable to attend can hear what was discussed and provide feedback.
Ruth Fry, NHS Highland’s Head of Communications and Engagement, said: “We are pleased to launch our Engagement Hub and we want to thank everyone who has supported us to produce this landmark piece of work.
“It is an exciting step in the Board’s ambition to deliver genuine engagement opportunities to our communities, partners and colleagues on the many projects and strategies which help to shape health and social care services across the north of Scotland.
“We believe this will put you in control of your engagement experience with us and help you to connect and contribute to the things that are important to you and your community.”
The Engagement Hub will help people find and take part in consultation and engagement activities that interest them. It offers a variety of interactive tools including discussion forums, polls and surveys. The Health Board is encouraging people across the north of Scotland to help us design the Engagement Hub to ensure it is as accessible as possible.
Ruth continued: “We know that we make better decisions when people who live and work in Highland, Argyll and Bute are involved in the planning and development of our services.
“Our first project is asking for your help in designing this new and exciting space, to make sure it is as welcoming as possible.
“We recognise online engagement is not for everyone, and we will continue to work with our partners and communities to reach those who may experience difficulties engaging with us in this way.
“This online engagement tool is open to anyone from the NHS Highland area. Please spread the word about this exciting development with family, friends, colleagues and anyone who lives or works in the area.
“We are committed to working closely with our communities to develop health and social care services that are fit to meet the needs of communities both now and in the future. This is an exciting step on that journey.”
Find out more about, and sign up at, the NHS Highland Engagement Hub.