Liam wins Physician Associate of the Year award


A Physician Associate based at Raigmore has been honoured by the Faculty of Physicians Associates by winning the prestigious ‘Physician Associate of the Year’ award at a ceremony held in London earlier this month.

Waiting list validation shows great results


A waiting list validation service which has been rolled out across all outpatient clinics in NHS Highland has seen an 81% response rate from patients and avoided £1m worth of costs.

Blarbuie Woodland Walk appeal


Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is seeking community support to maintain a key local asset - the Blarbuie Woodland Walk.

Proposed change to Model of Integration agreed


Members of The Highland Council and NHS Highland Joint Monitoring Committee have agreed proposed changes to the Model of Integration.

Isle of Coll to welcome new GP contractors


Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is pleased to announce that the General Medical Service contract and Out of Hours contract for the GP Practice on the Isle of Coll has been awarded.

Isle of Colonsay to welcome new GP


Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is pleased to announce that following an extensive procurement process the General Medical Service contract and Out of Hours contract for the GP practice on the Isle of Colonsay has been awarded.

NHS Highland launches new Engagement Hub


A new online platform has been launched to encourage people across Highland, Argyll and Bute to engage directly with NHS Highland.

Oban pharmacy application


Zakpharma Ltd intend to submit an application to NHS Highland to open a new pharmacy at 5 Soroba Road, Oban PA34 4JA.

Mid Argyll sight and hearing loss festive community engagement event


The Mid Argyll Visual Impairment Social Group will host a Christmas gathering on Monday 9 December at 2pm in the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Centre, Lochgilphead.

New pharmacy to open in Campbeltown


A joint consultation exercise was undertaken by NHS Highland and Zakpharma Ltd to gauge support for a pharmacy application in the local community.

Inverness nurse receives prestigious Queen's Nurse Award


A nurse from Inverness is among a group of 21 extraordinary community nurses to have been awarded the prestigious title of Queen’s Nurse.
