NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) are pleased to support World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) on 10 September 2024.
WSPD is an awareness day observed on 10 September every year. It aims to promote worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides, with various activities held around the world since 2003.
The theme for World Suicide Prevention Day from 2024-2026 is Changing the Narrative on Suicide with the call to action Start the Conversation. This theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations to prevent suicides. Changing the narrative on suicide is about transforming how we perceive this complex issue and shifting from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support.
On 10 September, communities across Highland and Argyll and Bute are encouraged to participate in WSPD to raise awareness of mental health concerns and suicide prevention by connecting with friends, neighbours and the wider community. People are being guided to chat about suicide prevention with loved ones or friends over a cup of tea or when out for a walk. These actions can serve to facilitate life-saving conversations and represent building more supportive, understanding, and resilient communities.
People consider suicide for a broad range of reasons and we can all help to make Highland suicide safer by letting people know we are open to talking about suicide and that there is support available. This move from silence to understanding will help protect our friends, family and communities from suicide. We are showing that support through the activities taking place on world suicide prevention day.
Samantha Campbell, Health Improvement Principal, NHS Highland said: “This year, I encourage everyone to take time to connect with friends, neighbours, and the wider community, maybe come together with family or work colleagues, take a walk and have supportive conversations. Talking saves lives. Across NHS Highland, we have a suite of training available for those interested in learning more about how to identify and provide support to people considering suicide.
“Additionally, I want to highlight the NHS Highland Prevent Suicide App and NHS Mental Wellbeing and Argyll and Bute Living Well Network websites, which are excellent tools for signposting to support and services.“
Our Public Health teams have been working closely with Argyll and Bute Council and community members to light up dwellings, community buildings and landmarks in purple on 10 September, and are pleased that several important sites in Dunoon - such as Castle House, the Highland Mary monument, the Dunoon War Memorial, the west side of the Dunoon pier building, and McCaig's Tower in Oban - will be illuminated to acknowledge our dedication to mental health and suicide prevention support and services.
To promote mental health awareness and improve wellbeing within our communities across Highland and Argyll and Bute, our Public Health teams have been working closely with health and social care, partners and community organisations to promote and offer opportunities for individuals living or working in the area to participate in fully funded, in-depth courses, workshops and locally organised events specifically designed to increase knowledge and awareness of mental health and suicide prevention support and services. These events and sessions are designed to educate participants about recognising early intervention pathways for mental health concerns, suicidal ideation, and improving communication skills.
We would like to direct people to the NHS inform website for detailed information on mental health services and resources to support individuals, their loved ones and caregivers. These resources and services provide guidance to help individuals and their loved ones seek help for mental health challenges.
NHS 24 Mental Health Hub can also be contacted by telephoning 111 and choosing the mental health option. The Mental Health Hub team will direct individuals to the right help and can provide information about accessing local services.
If you require any further information, contact:
Martin Walker, NHS Highland Health Improvement Specialist
email martin.walker@nhs.scot
Olena Mishanina, Argyll and Bute HSCP Health Improvement Senior
email olena.mishanina@nhs.scot