Royal Northern Infirmary refurbishment


Work is underway to reconfigure the layout of the Royal Northern Infirmary (RNI) Community Hospital in Inverness and move the Sexual Health service from Raigmore Hospital site to the RNI.

NHS Highland seeks new Board members


NHS Highland is seeking new members for its Board. We are looking for people from a wide range of backgrounds who share our values and can bring a variety of views, particularly from those groups which are under-represented on our Board.

NHS Highland urges parents to help beat flu with a wee scoosh this winter


NHS Highland urges parents and carers to ensure their child is protected against flu this winter. It’s as easy as a wee scoosh up the nose.

Residents of Kintyre have completed life-saving Heartstart CPR and Defibrillator Awareness training


We are pleased to announce 106 Kintyre residents in the last 10 weeks have successfully completed Heartstart CPR...

Celebrating the success of Community Link Working in Argyll and Bute


Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is pleased to announce the publication of the latest evaluation of the Community Link Working service in Argyll and Bute.

Update on urgent care model for Skye


We are pleased to advise that from Friday 16 August 2024 we will be starting to provide the 24/7 urgent care model for Skye, in order to ensure people access the right care, at the right time and in the right place.

NHS Highland Board seeks to recruit independent committee members


NHS Highland is seeking to recruit independent members to the Highland Health and Social Care Committee.

Technology Enabled Care Team awarded Bronze Digital Telecare Implementation Award


Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) are pleased to announce Argyll and Bute Telecare Team has been awarded Bronze at this year's Digital Telecare Implementation Awards.
