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Health and Care Experience Survey in Argyll and Bute

07th June 2024

Public Health Scotland has recently published (28 May) the results from this year’s Health and Care Experience Survey which asked a random sample of people from across Scotland of their experiences of using various services.

One of the key services assessed was General Practice and the main results from this survey (national figures for comparison in brackets) for services across Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership are detailed below:

  • 93% (76%) of respondents had a positive experience in relation to how easy it was to contact their General Practice in the way that they wanted
  •  87% (71%) of respondents had a positive experience in relation to the quality of information provided by the receptionist at their General Practice
  •  81% (63%) positively rated the arrangements for getting to speak to a doctor at the General Practice
  •  84% (69%) of respondents positively rated the care provided by their General Practice
  •  91% (84%) of respondents had a positive experience of being treated with compassion and understanding
  • 93% (88%) had a positive experience of being treated with dignity and respect

Commenting on the results of the survey Evan Beswick, Interim Chief Officer for Argyll and Bute HSCP, said:

“I would like to thank our GPs and their teams of health and social care professionals, ably assisted by their support staff, for the amazing job they do for the people of Argyll and Bute.

“I was delighted to see the high levels of positive feedback that the General Practices received.  This is well deserved and is a real testament to their hard work and commitment to their local communities.”

“General Practice is key to our overall aim of providing holistic, preventative, person-centred care in the heart of communities.  Practices do not work in isolation and these above average scores are testament to both the expertise of our GPs in providing generalist care and to the close collaboration with skilled community teams right across Argyll and Bute.”

Notes for editors: The Scottish Health and Care Experience Survey is a postal survey which was sent to a random sample of people who were registered with a General Practice in Scotland based on latest information available on the 25 September 2023. Questionnaires were sent out in October and November 2023 asking about people’s experiences during the previous 12 months.

The results of the latest survey were released on 28 May 2024.  A national report with further information about this survey, including a copy of the questionnaire and reports from previous years, are available from the Public Health Scotland website.

Last updated: 7 June 2024