International Women's Day 2024 is a worldwide celebration of women's social, economic, cultural and political accomplishments.
This year's theme is #InspireInclusion, focusing on taking action in areas like promoting women's economic empowerment, aiding them in making informed health decisions, and assisting them in accessing education and training. Women should be given the chance to nurture their skills and innovation and have the liberty to act in their own and their children's best interests.
Argyll and Bute Violence Against Women and Girls Partnership works to deliver the objectives captured within the Scottish Government's 2023 plan: Equally Safe - Scotland's Strategy for Preventing and Eradicating Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).
The phrase violence against women and girls is used to describe violent and abusive behaviour directed at women and girls because they are women and girls. It is behaviour which is carried out predominantly by men. It is an abuse of power and stems from systemic, deep-rooted women's inequality. VAWG limits women's and girls' freedom and potential and is a fundamental violation of human rights.
It is recognised that domestic abuse, encompassing coercive controlling behaviours and various forms of violence against women, inflicts trauma and hinders women from living freely and pursuing the lives they deserve, as well as achieving their aspirations.
Argyll and Bute VAWG tackles such violence:
- by working with our key front-line partners like Women's Aid, Rape Crisis and ASSIST to offer women support and advice.
- by working with housing, advice and support services, education, health, the Police, Justice and children and families' services to ensure that there is a clear and shared understanding of how best to support victims and hold domestic abuse perpetrators responsible for their actions. As part of this, we are rolling out Safe and Together across Argyll and Bute; this is a model used in child protection where domestic abuse is an issue and works to keep children safe and together with the non-offending partner.
- we train staff, including social workers, third sector, health, Police and others to understand domestic abuse and to have the skills to offer support to victims and children and challenge perpetrators about their behaviour.
- we carry out research and meet to collectively find new ways to tackle violence against women and girls and make the best use of our resources on that journey.
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, which can be emotional, physical, financial or coercive control, you are not alone.
Argyll and Bute Women's Aid
If you want to talk to someone, for support or advice from Argyll and Bute Women's Aid across Argyll and Bute:
- phone 01369 706636
- email info@abwa.org.uk
- stay updated by following them on Facebook - Argyll Women's Aid
- visit their website at argyllwomensaid.org.uk for further information
Additional support and services available across Argyll and Bute are:
Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis
If you're looking for support, their helpline is the best way to contact them. If they don't answer the phone, please leave a message with your contact details and they'll get back to you as soon as they can:
- phone 0800 121 4685
- email support@ab-rc.org.uk
- for further information visit their website at rapecrisiscentre-argyll-bute.org.uk
ASSIST (Advocacy, Support, Safety, Information, Services Together) is a specialist domestic abuse advocacy and support service focussed on reducing risk to, and improving the safety of, victims of domestic abuse. It aims to ensure that all victims of domestic abuse - women, children and men - are safe, informed and supported throughout their involvement with the criminal justice system. You can get support from ASSIST if you are the victim (female or male) of an incident of domestic abuse following which the police have been called, where your partner or ex-partner has been charged and the case goes through court. You can contact the service by:
- phone 0141 276 7710
- email ASSIST@glasgow.gov.uk
- for further information visit their website at glasgow.gov.uk/article/23782/ASSIST
- visit them directly at GCSS, Eastgate, 727 London Road, Glasgow G40 3AQ
Scotland's Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
Their helpline is to support anyone experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage, as well as their family members, friends, colleagues and professionals who support them. They provide a confidential, sensitive service to anyone who calls.
- phone 0800 027 1234
- text or WhatsApp 07401 288 595
- email helpline@sdafmh.org.uk
- for further information visit their website at sdafmh.org.uk