NHS Highland opened a new operating base in Inverness for our Procurement and Supply Chain service last week.
Ronach House was officially opened by Emma Roddick MSP, Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees, on Friday 17 November.
The base will provide corporate office space for our Procurement, Transport and Business support teams, an accessible base for our fleet vehicles and a warehouse facility for all NHS Highland supplies.
Neil Stewart, NHS Highland’s Assistant Director of Finance, said: “This is a significant milestone for our service. Not only does it bring the full Procurement and Supply Chain department together under one roof, it supports the required expansion of clinical and support services within the Raigmore site to meet the significantly increased clinical demand in the region.
“The new site will help us create a more efficient and accessible procurement, stores and distribution centre, a service which is responsible for purchasing, receiving, controlling and distributing millions of vital supplies required for patient care across Highland, Argyll and Bute.”
The service transports varied items including electronic and surgical equipment, pharmacy drugs and medical specimens across 65 GP practices and hospitals, care homes, dental practices and podiatry surgeries across our Board area.
The Procurement team is part of NHS Highland’s Finance Directorate and is responsible for approximately £120m of spend per year on goods and services covering commodities such as medical equipment, consumables, service contracts and professional services.