The HSCP has achieved revalidation of the award for their health visiting and midwifery services for the fourth year running.
The excellent support given to children and parents across Argyll and Bute has been recognised once again, with Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) health visiting and midwifery services receiving a prestigious award for the fourth time.
The UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) UK Baby Friendly Initiative Gold Award celebrates excellent and sustained practice in the support of infant feeding and parent-infant relationships. The gold award is the highest standard for services that are accredited as Baby Friendly by UNICEF UK.
The HSCP has achieved revalidation of the award for their health visiting and midwifery services for the fourth year running.
To be awarded gold status the services go through a validation process each year. They have to submit a wide range of evidence to ensure they are delivering an exemplary standard of support, guidance and services.
Beth Wiseman, Senior Manager Child Health and Maternity said: “To receive the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Gold Award again is well-deserved recognition. The award reflects the outstanding work and commitment of our health visitors and midwives across Argyll and Bute communities.
“This award highlights the excellent practice in infant feeding support and recognises the important work our health visitors, midwives, and partners play in nurturing the development of parent-infant relationships and ensures local children get the best possible start in life.”
See more information about infant feeding and local support groups or: