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Working together for better health and care

26th May 2023
Together We Care logo Together We Care is a five-year strategy co-produced with communities, people who use NHS Highland services, their partners and workforce across Highland.

NHS Highland marks Patient Participation Week with a video on the Together We Care strategy and invites patients, service users, carers and loved ones to join the new Highland 100 panel.

NHS Highland is marking Patient Participation Week with the release of a video illustrating its co-produced strategy, Together We Care. And to maintain the important voice of patients, service users, carers and families in improving services, you are invited to join the Highland 100 panel.

In 2022, NHS Highland approved a five-year strategy, Together We Care. This followed extensive engagement with communities, people who use our services, our partners and workforce across Highland, and the strategy has since been translated into a detailed action plan to achieve the outcomes people told us were important to them.

Today we have launched a video which illustrates those outcomes and the journey we will need to go on together to achieve them together.

We are holding an online session to share more about Together We Care. Chief Executive Pamela Dudek and colleagues will present the strategy, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions and comment. We will share a recording of the session afterwards.

We are also setting up a new panel of patients, service users and their carers and loved ones. This Highland 100 panel will be asked to answer surveys, feed back on ideas and draft documents, and occasionally join an online or face to face focus group to discuss a topic in more detail. Participation is voluntary: panel members can chose which activities they want to be involved in.

If you live in Highland or Argyll and Bute and would like to be involved, please:


Use Highland 100 Panel as the subject line.

Chief Executive Pamela Dudek said, “Listening to and learning from the views and experience of people who use our services is vital to helping us transform the way we work. We know demand for health and care services is increasing while resources are finite, so we need to work together to develop new models of care which allow everyone to enjoy being independent at home for as long as possible.”

“This Patient Participation Week, I look forward to hearing your suggestions at the online session, and hope you enjoy the video and consider joining the Highland 100 panel to help us shape future services.”

Last updated: 11 March 2025