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'Ground-breaking' new partnership to target empty homes for remote essential worker housing

23rd May 2023

An innovative new partnership has been launched that will see empty homes in Argyll and Bute being brought back into use to help to tackle the shortage of affordable housing for health and social care workers across the region.

The two-year project is being funded by the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) and Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (A&B HSCP), and administered by Argyll and Bute Council.

The project, which is the first of its kind in Scotland, will see the appointment of a new Empty Homes Project Officer who will work with partners and private empty home owners in areas where A&B HSCP has found that a shortage of suitable local accommodation has impacted on their recruitment service capacity and ability to recruit new team members.

The officer will work with A&B HSCP to establish local housing needs including type, size and locations of accommodation needed. They will then look to identify suitable 'empty home matches' and liaise with owners and registered social landlords with the aim of bringing homes back into use for A&B HSCP key and essential workers through tenancy agreements.

Shaheena Din, National Project Manager, Scottish Empty Homes Partnership, said: “We are truly excited to be launching a ground-breaking project that will both tackle the issue of empty homes in Argyll and Bute, and provide much-needed housing for remote essential workers.

“Innovation and partnership must be at the heart of addressing Scotland’s housing challenges and we are delighted to have come together as a partnership with common goals.

“Scotland’s Housing Minister Paul McLennan recently emphasised that good quality affordable housing is essential to attract and retain people in rural communities, particularly in areas where key workers are needed, and we hope this partnership will prove to be one example of how this can be achieved.”

The project aims to bring 20 properties into use under private tenancy agreements over a two year period, helping to address the recruitment and retention issues experienced across all Health and Social Care disciplines noted in the Argyll and Bute Joint Strategic Plan 2022-25."

James Gow, Head of Finance, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership said: “Argyll and Bute HSCP is delighted to be working in partnership with the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership and Argyll and Bute Council to bring empty homes back into use.

“The availability of suitable housing is often perceived to be a barrier to people relocating to enjoy the benefits of living and working in Argyll and Bute. This project will help us recruit the staff we need to continue to provide essential health and social care services.”

The Empty Homes Project Officer will sit within the Argyll and Bute Council Housing Services team, which will offer practical support and financial assistance to bring properties back into use.

Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of Argyll and Bute Council said: “Argyll and Bute’s economic success is built on a growing population. We are committed to finding local housing solutions to help grow our population and Argyll and Bute’s economy.

“Working in partnership is key to this success and we are delighted to be working with our partners to identify housing solutions that will ultimately benefit public services.”

Last updated: 11 March 2025