To mark International Women’s Day the University of the Highlands and Islands hosted a gathering of the partners of the Highland Violence Against Women Partnership (VAWP).
A lunchtime event saw VAWP - along with partners Rape and Sexual Assault Service Highland (RASASH), Women's Aid Inverness, NHS Highland Sexual Assault Response Co-ordination Service (SARCS), UHI Inverness Wellbeing and Learning Support Team, and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - hold a spoken word event.
Poetry and storytelling were used to examine the nature of gender based violence and dispel some of the myths surrounding it.
Myra Ross, Training Officer with VAWP, said: “Domestic abuse, sexual violence, coercive control and sextortion are subjects that when discussed make for uncomfortable conversations. However the mood was light and touched with humour as the group held space to consider their truth and the truth regarding violence against women.
“We wanted to use International Women’s Day to raise awareness of gender based violence and to help people start that conversation.”
Ross-shire Women's Aid supported the delivery of this event and will invite the partners onto Skye later in the year for another performance.