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Significant progress in plans for new Belford Hospital

22nd February 2023
Belford Hospital in Fort William Belford Hospital, Fort WIlliam

Plans to build a new hospital in Fort William are expected to take a significant step forward next month, with the appointment of a Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP) to carry out the design and construction work.

The multi-million pound project to replace the existing Belford Hospital is one of the key parts of wider proposals to redesign, modernise and improve health and social care services in Lochaber.

NHS Highland issued a tender for the work in January, with a closing date in the middle of this month. Prospective contractors will be interviewed in March, with an appointment expected to be made by the end of the month.

Once the PSCP and design team is in place, work on a concept design for the new hospital building and site, at Blar Mhor in Fort William, will get underway.

Heather Cameron, Senior Project Manager at NHS Highland, said: “This is an important milestone in the project to replace the Belford with a new, modern rural general hospital.

“While we are working hard to provide this new building, the new hospital is just one element of a wider project to improve and modernise health and social care services we provide for people in communities throughout Lochaber.”

The tender issued by NHS Highland is a joint one, also covering the design and building work for a refurbishment and reconfiguration of Caithness General Hospital, in Wick.

Read more about Lochaber health and social care redesign.

Last updated: 13 March 2025