NHS Highland has developed an app to provide financial support to people during the cost of living crisis.
The Worrying About Money (WAM) app was developed by the Health Board in partnership with the Independent Food Aid Network and signposts to a wide variety of support networks for people who are worried about their finances.
Sandra MacAllister, NHS Highland’s Senior Health Improvement Specialist said: “The cost of living is impacting on people across society with more and more individuals struggling to manage financially.
“The app is a source of information for people who might find themselves struggling financially. It is a step-by-step process for various situations individuals may be experiencing and guides them through to where they might access the right support.
“We recognise the strong correlation between having a higher income and better health. Good health allows individuals to gain and sustain employment and to have more options to live a more active life.
“A higher income is likely to mean less stress and allow for individuals to meet their own basic needs and take part in health-promoting activities as well as accessing better life enhancing options like better housing and higher quality food. Poor health and less income mean exactly the opposite.
“The WAM app follows on from the launch of a range of other Highland apps including the Prevent Suicide app, the HOPE app and the Live it app. The app developer for these apps is Faff Digital, a multi award winning app and website developer.”
The content of the app was developed, using the Independent Food Aid Worrying About Money? leaflet as its basis. This leaflet was developed in a partnership with NHS Highland, The Highland Council, Social Security Scotland, the Trussell Trust and, Citizen’s Advice. The content of the app was expanded to include a wider variety of support around money worries.
The WAM app is free to download, and is available from: