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Heartstart CPR training - would you be ready when life-saving minutes matter?

03rd February 2023
participants in CPR training Left to right:Springbank Distillery's Kerry Hastie, The Hub's Mandy Robertson, Scottish Ambulance Service's Jamie Girvan and Darran Brown.

On Thursday 26 January 2023, Campbeltown Hospital welcomed Heartstart Nurse Lead Angela McNeil to deliver vital life-saving training skills.

Angela delivered first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and defibrillator (AED) instructor training skills to staff from Kintyre Scottish Ambulance Service, The Hub and Springbank Distillery.

Heartstart is an initiative to teach young people and adults what to do in a life-threatening emergency.   The two-hour training session teaches people to learn new skills such as how to recognise a cardiac arrest, perform CPR and use defibrillators,  it also includes basic emergency life support such as recognition of a heart attack and choking adults, children and babies. 

Heartstart recognises the value life support and AED training provides to members of the public, schools, workplaces and local communities.  The programme has been a long-standing successful training service spanning over 26 years.  Their accomplishment is due to the dedication and commitment of Heartstart coordinators and volunteers involved in delivering the courses.  

Angela McNeil, Heartstart Nurse Lead said: “Heartstart Coordinators and volunteers remain committed as ever to ensure as many people as possible have access to basic emergency life support training. 

“I would encourage people interested in receiving Heartstart and defibrillator training in schools, workplaces or local community settings or anyone interested in becoming a Heartstart volunteer instructor to get in touch.”

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about the Heartstart programme:


Last updated: 6 March 2025