Caithness residents have the chance to shape the future use of four local spaces.
A series of drop-in events are being held to hear the public’s views on what changes they would like to see at Castletown Drill Hall, Carnegie Library, UHI Thurso Campus and Lybster Community Hall.
The feedback from these sessions will help identify how these spaces could be reused for the benefit of the community through areas such as the co-location of services, repurposing spaces to provide new and additional education and skills support, health and social care services and other wellbeing advice.
The meetings are part of the Caithness Place-based Demonstrator project, which is supported by Scottish Government funding, and is looking at how organisations can work together to reuse local spaces to support key challenges facing communities.
The partners in the project include The Highland Council, NHS Highland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, University of the Highlands and Islands, Hub North Scotland, the Scottish Futures Trust, and social innovation foundation, Nesta.
Leader of The Highland Council, Wick and East Caithness Ward Councillor Raymond Bremner said: “This is an ideal opportunity for residents to tell us what needs to change to help them live well locally. We want to hear what different activities and resources they want to see in these spaces which will help make their communities more sustainable. Their input will shape the future use of these spaces to bring positive changes for all.”
The events are being held on the following dates:
- Castletown Drill Hall: Tuesday 21 February
- 4.30-5.30pm (Youth Club)
- 6.30-7.30pm (Public)
- UHI Campus Thurso, Cafe at Morven: Wednesday 22 February
- 12.30-1.15pm (Students)
- 1.30-2.30pm (Public)
- Carnegie Library, Wick: Wednesday 22 February
- 6.30-7.30pm (Public)
- Lybster Community Hall: Thursday 23 February
- 6.00-7.30pm (Public)
Anyone who cannot attend the events, can give their views in an online survey by Monday 28 February.