Last year, the Inverness District Team successfully attained funding to trial the use of two simple communication devices, Komp and Carephone, in an exciting and innovating project.
These devices aimed to support people in their own home and avoid them being unnecessarily admitted to hospital or a care facility. The devices could be deployed to alleviate social isolation, support medication administration, reduce or replace a support visit, enable welfare checks, and much more.
The feedback from those trialling the devices and their families has been very positive, with one family member saying: “Being able to see my mum’s face is powerful”. They also added that it avoided the need for a possible long term care placement.
The Team won Best Poster Abstract for this project at Digifest22 - Scotland’s annual Digital, Housing and Care Conference.
Janet Alexander, Integrated Teams Manager said: “Congratulations, and many thanks to everyone on the project team. Their dedication, hard work and willingness to be part of something new, drove the project forward and made this possible. Most notably I’d like to thank Silvia Trotter, District Nursing Team Lead, Olivia Osbourne Occupational Therapist, Shona Aldridge (TEC team), Jackie Hunter & Bernie Macleod (The Mackenzie Centre).”
The team are actively seeking funding to extend and expand the project.
Technology Enabled Care (TEC) services such as this one uses technology to provide care for people that is convenient, accessible and cost-effective.