Donald Watt has been appointed Senior Manager, Health and Community for Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).
Donald Watt completed his nursing training in September 1986 with NHS Tayside. After qualifying as an Enrolled Nurse (General) his first role was working in medicine for the elderly (Geriatrics). On returning to live in Argyll and Bute in December 1987 he developed his career through several clinical roles including mental health, community nursing, accident and emergency, inpatient settings, and worked with the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) for 6 years.
Donald’s professional development plan included studying at the University of the West of Scotland to support his career progression. In 2013, his career advanced to Clinical Services Manager based at Lorn and Islands Hospital in Oban. He then went on to manage mental health services for 1 year before successfully gaining the post of Locality Manager for Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay and management of Inpatient Mental Health Services in 2017. In October 2020, following a management restructure he was appointed Service Manager for Care Homes, Care at Home and Older Adult Day Support services.
Donald Watt said: “I am delighted to be taking on the role of Senior Manager for Health and Community. I have worked for Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership for much of my career and I am really proud to have been part of the teams which have developed and deliver high-quality services.
"I am looking forward to continuing to work with my outstanding health and social care colleagues to focus on ensuring people across Argyll and Bute continue to access excellent health and social care services, something I am passionate about".
The role of the Senior Manager for Health and Community Care has visible leadership and operational responsibilities for all 6 of Argyll and Bute HSCP community hospitals and a range of multidisciplinary teams (healthcare and social work staff) across Argyll and Bute. The post will lead on planning, developing and redesigning services to continue the delivery of a wide-range of high-quality community, hospital and health and social care services. Responsibilities include incorporating operational, strategic and quality aspects combined with developing and shaping future services and projects and accountable for managing all Hospital budgets, service-level agreements (SLAs), commissioning arrangements and directing senior management and leadership teams to support the achievement of local and national priorities and targets.
Argyll and Bute HSCP Chief Officer Fiona Davies said: "I am pleased Donald has been appointed to this senior management role. He has a huge amount of professional experience and knowledge of successfully delivering healthcare, community health and social care services.
"In Donald’s previous HSCP roles he has put people at the centre of health and social care services demonstrating his commitment to collaborative working to assure integrated effective models of excellent care is delivered and fit for the future across Argyll and Bute."