Donald Watt appointed Senior Manager for Health and Community


Donald Watt has been appointed Senior Manager, Health and Community for Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

Raigmore consultant continues to champion surgical research as Clinical Professor of Surgery at Aberdeen University


Professor Angus Watson, a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at Raigmore Hospital, has been appointed as the Clinical Professor of Surgery at Aberdeen University.

Technology key for providing quality home care


Last year, the Inverness District Team successfully attained funding to trial the use of two simple communication devices, Komp and Carephone, in an exciting and innovating project.

Raigmore surgeon honoured with King’s OBE


Mr Andrew Kent, a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon at Raigmore Hospital, has been made an OBE for his services to UK health support overseas and during the pandemic.

Cardiac cath lab becomes 24/7 service


NHS Highland is pleased to announce that the opening hours of the cardiac catheterisation laboratory in Raigmore Hospital have been extended to 24/7.

It’s a generation hat trick for Mid Argyll midwife Jan Smith


Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) midwife Jan Smith was on hand on the 4th of January to welcome Mid Argyll’s first birth of the year. Little did she know that history was about to repeat itself.

Launch of improved Campbeltown Hospital telephone system


Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership's (HSCP) new and improved Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone system (A&B Connect) will be initially launched at Campbeltown Hospital.

Still time to get your winter vaccination


NHS Highland is encouraging those eligible who have yet had their winter vaccination to please come forward.

Here for Nairn – January event


The next in a series of community events held in Nairn to help to help the local population understand what community led support is available to them will be taking place in the High Life Highland Library, High Street, Nairn on the 26 January from 9:30 to 12:30.
