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Increase in flu cases and admissions to hospital

28th December 2022

Over the past few days NHS Highland has seen a significant increase in the number of people being admitted to hospital with flu.

With cases of flu increasing in the Highland community and across Scotland we are starting to see that reflected in our health and social care settings and leading to an increase in pressure on hospital services.

We are asking people to avoid visiting vulnerable people in hospitals and other health and social care settings if they have flu-like symptoms or are feeling generally under the weather.

We are also strongly advising people to think about whether they really need to come in to visit people in hospital at this time. Reducing non-urgent visitor activity in confined spaces such as hospital wards will help to reduce risk to people who are ill as well as wider spread of flu in the community.

Dr Adam Brown, Consultant Microbiologist with NHS Highland, said: “We are seeing an exceptionally large rise in cases of influenza in the community across Scotland.

“There are also more cases of other respiratory illnesses such as Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), while COVID-19 is still circulating within our communities. These conditions can cause serious ill health, especially among more vulnerable people and we have seen this reflected in admissions to hospital.

“It is vital that we take actions that help control these infections and reduce the risk of spread. This is why we are asking everyone to think carefully before they come into hospital as a visitor. We recognise the importance of visiting for both our patients and their loved ones and we want that to continue but, if it can wait we are asking you to think about postponing your visit for the time being.”

There are other actions which can be taken to help protect yourself and others, which, with the pandemic we should be more familiar with what needs to be done.

It is important that we maintain good hygiene both through washing our hands and using tissues when we cough or blow our nose. Good ventilation remains important and people who are vulnerable should try to avoid crowded places. Mask wearing is only required in some settings, but masks can also be worn elsewhere.

Vaccination remains the best way to control COVID-19 and flu. We would encourage you to please take up the offer of vaccination if you have not done so already. It is also important that if you have symptoms of one of these illnesses you should stay at home and reduce contact with other people, especially those who are old or vulnerable.

If you are unwell and you think your need is urgent but not an emergency, NHS 24 is available by calling 111. There is also an NHS 111 online service where you can get help for your symptoms.

Important: Our hospitals are very busy today

Waiting times in A&E are much longer than usual. If you need urgent care that is not life-threatening, call NHS24 on 111. They will direct you to the most appropriate care. This might be a pharmacy, a phone or virtual appointment, a minor injuries unit or accident and emergency at one of our hospitals.

Know Who To Turn To

Last updated: 30 December 2022