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North Sutherland Health and Social Care Hub drop-in event

25th October 2022

Members of the public will be able to hear about plans for a new Health and Care Hub for the North Coast at a drop-in event happening the beginning of November.

The drop-in, which takes place on Wednesday 02 November from 14:00 to 19.30 in the Kyle Centre in Tongue, will allow those attending to see draft plans for the North Sutherland Health & Social Care Hub and ask questions of those in attendance – which will include representatives from NHS Highland, Highland Council and Wildland Limited.

The North Coast Redesign is taking forward a new care facility to replace the existing Melvich and Caladh Sona care homes operated by NHS Highland. It will be located in Tongue and will consist of a new Care Facility and new GP surgery. It will be developed by Wildland Limited and in turn leased to Highland Council (care facility) and NHS Highland (GP surgery).

NHS Highland will be the occupier, operator and responsible party for the management and delivery of all services provided from the new Hub.

Michelle Johnstone, North Area Manager for NHS Highland, said: "We are excited about this opportunity to ensure the sustainability of services across the North Coast."

Chair of Highland Council’s Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Committee, Councillor David Fraser, said:  "I would encourage residents living within the local community to take the opportunity to attend this session in November to have a look at the proposals for the North Sutherland Health and Social Care Hub.  Officers from Highland Council, NHS Highland and Wildland Limited will be on hand for discussion and to answer questions from members of the public."

Joe Dunn, Director of Build Development at Wildland Limited, said: "Wildland is delighted to be working in partnership with Highland Council, NHS Highland and the local community to deliver a much-needed care facility on the North Coast. The building design has focussed on providing residents with high quality interiors with a flexible balance of communal and private spaces. The design team has also worked hard to make the most of facility's natural backdrop, through views of the Kyle of Tongue from each residential apartment, as well as making private gardens to the rear accessible for users. We look forward to hearing feedback on the proposals before progressing with a planning application later in the year."

Last updated: 13 March 2025