After a long period where we have seen the number of COVID-19 cases in NHS Highland declining we have started to see a rise in positive numbers.
Thankfully a smaller percentage of people are becoming seriously ill with COVID-19, this is thanks in large part to the vaccination programme. However, we are seeing an increase in the number of people in hospital who have been admitted for other reasons but then start displaying symptoms and test positive. We have also started to see outbreaks in hospitals resulting in wards being closed to admissions, with patients affected as well as staff.
We are slowly seeing the world moving back to a new normal but COVID-19 has not gone away and is still a very real risk and can still have an impact on people and services.
We are asking everyone to keep using COVID-19 sense and keep doing the things that protect you and your loved ones, particularly if you are visiting a healthcare or care home setting.
This includes washing hands, keeping areas ventilated, wearing a face covering when coming into a hospital setting and staying at home if you’re unwell with symptoms or have a fever.
Thank you to everyone for everything they have done so far to help keep them and others safe.