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Patient Hub continues to move forward

01st September 2022

The Patient Hub system continues to be implemented in NHS Highland with Dermatology becoming the second department to go live.

NHS Highland started implementing Patient Hub in March this year to assist with our administration for patient services. Patient Hub is a secure online patient portal providing you with information relating to your care.

The portal, once fully operational, will allow patients to access information related to their hospital appointments. It can be accessed using your smart phone, tablet or computer.

The implementation of this new system will be complex and it will take time.  We are continuing with the first phase of the implementation which is the waiting list management system. This relates to new appointments, also known as referrals, for patients. By new we mean you have been referred but are still waiting for your first appointment with the service.

The Neurology service was the first to start in March and now, after further testing, Dermatology will also be added from the 05 September.

Patients with a new referral into the Dermatology Service will be contacted by text or email detailing that they are on the waiting list. Patients will only be contacted when they have been waiting for a specified number of weeks – this will be different for every specialty.

Patients who are waiting will be presented with a number of options:

  • I still want my appointment
  • I still want my appointment but wish to delay
  • I no longer want my appointment

Once the patient selects the option they want, their information will be uploaded and made immediately visible to our dedicated administrators in the Patient Booking Service (PBS) who will manage this centrally at Raigmore Hospital.

Katherine Sutton, Chief Officer, from NHS Highland said:

"Waiting lists for new outpatient appointments have grown due to the COVID pandemic which resulted in non-urgent activity being temporarily suspended. We now seek to address that and want to ensure all appointments are utilised for patients needing treatment.

"The waiting list validation system will allow patients the opportunity to digitally contact us and confirm whether they still require an appointment. Patients have told us they would like easier ways to communicate with us and this is one of the ways we are helping to facilitate this request.

"Validating our lists will have a number of benefits including reducing our waiting lists and reducing the number of DNA (did not attend) appointments. It is a system that we will be introducing slowly and on an incremental basis and we are confident patients will benefit from this new way of working."

Patients will receive a text or email from NHS-NoReply and are asked to follow the instructions contained in the message.

To ensure we have the most up-to-date contact information for you please email with:

  • Your full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address and post code
  • Phone number
  • CHI number (if known)

See more information about Patient Hub.

Last updated: 18 February 2025